Certificate course Senior Software Specialist

Software engineering is an area of our modern, increasingly digitalized economy whose relevance is constantly growing. Whether in product and process development, to increase efficiency or to generate sustainable competitive advantages - expertise in software engineering is in high demand in companies and the demand for experts remains high. Our university courses therefore focus on proven procedures and methods as well as an understanding of quality assurance aspects relating to the entire software development cycle, from requirements elicitation to the acceptance of software products and IT project management.
What you can expect on the course

Content focus

In this certificate course, we teach skills that are necessary for the development, design and maintenance of software applications. Certified Senior Software Specialists have extensive knowledge of software development and design and have a deep understanding of how software applications are used in an organization. The Senior Software Specialist certificate course consists of three modules:

  1. Modern software architectures (Basics of service-based systems, standards for web services, REST-ful services, asynchronous services, message queues, architecture of service-based systems, interoperability, service categorization, public services, orchestration of services, long-running transactions, transactions and compensation, canonical data models, service security, transport-based security, message-based security, claims-based security and security tokens)
  2. Software Development & IT Operations, IT Project Management (automation, infrastructure as code, monitoring of applications, cross-cutting issues, value creation in software production, organization and team).
  3. Design patterns (GoF design patterns, creation patterns, structure patterns, behavior patterns, pattern-oriented software architecture, dependency injection and mock objects, cross-sectional application of data science).
Everything at a glance

Facts about the course

Extra occupational

Duration: 2 days per module in presence at CAMPUS 02 and 2 half-days online

Three modules must be completed for certification.

27 teaching units/module
of which 1/3 online lessons 

Maximum number of participants: 25


Certified Senior Software Specialist

Who is this training aimed at?

The Senior Software Specialist certificate course is aimed at anyone who wants to take their skills in software development to the next level, particularly in the areas of modern software architectures, design patterns and DevOps.


Open to people with professional experience in software development or newcomers


15 ECTS-Credits 
(3 modules with 3 ECTS credits each + final thesis with 6 ECTS credits)

ECTS credits can only be awarded to participants with a general higher education entrance qualification.


For the certification "Senior Software Specialist": EUR 4.850,- (VAT-exempt according to UStG)

Certification requires the completion of three modules (EUR 1,500/module) and a company-specific practical project. The certification fee is EUR 350.

The costs for further modules after certification are EUR 750.

Offer for companies - 2 for 1
Up to two employees of a company can take part in each module for the price of one. 

Registration & deadlines

  1. Go to "Register now" below.
  2. Enter your data in the form.
  3. You will receive a registration confirmation by e-mail.
  4. If required, we will ask you for additional documents by e-mail.

Registration deadline: 31.08.2024 31.08.2024

Class times

Start: September 2024

Classroom teaching at CAMPUS 02 from 09:00 - 17:00
Online lessons generally from 17:00 - 20:30

The exact times of the individual modules:

Start: September/October 2024
The exact dates will be announced for you from May 2024.

Start: November/December 2024
The exact dates will be announced for you from May 2024.

Start: January/February 2024
The exact dates will be announced for you from May 2024.

Learn individually & flexibly

Use the possibilities of the Life Long Learning-Passes of FH CAMPUS 02!
This course is Modular structuredthis means that you can also complete the modules individually if required.

Certificate course Senior Software Specialist
What you can expect in terms of content

Course unit timetable

The descriptions of the individual modules can be found below.

3 ECTS credits, 27 units
assessment methods and criteria: Project work

Content: Modern software architectures are a collection of technologies and methods that enable developers to build scalable, powerful and reliable software applications. These include frameworks such as microservices, service-oriented architecture, cloud computing, containerization, event-driven architecture and many more. These architectures enable developers to develop and implement applications quickly and effectively.

3 ECTS credits, 27 units
assessment methods and criteria: exam

Content: DevOps (software development and IT operations) is a concept that encompasses a culture and set of practices designed to facilitate collaboration between developers and IT operations to accelerate the delivery of software products and services while maintaining high quality. DevOps uses automation techniques to ensure continuity, quality and monitoring while optimizing development and operations workflows. By strengthening collaboration between developers and IT operations, companies can respond faster and more efficiently to customer requirements.

3 ECTS credits, 27 units
assessment methods and criteria: Project work

Content: Software design patterns are reusable solutions to common software design problems. They provide a way to solve software design problems in a consistent and maintainable way and enable developers to create robust software systems faster and more efficiently. Design patterns are an important tool for software developers as they help to identify, solve and avoid software design problems.

6 ECTS Credits

For certification, it is necessary to write a thesis. 

ECTS = score according to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System; LE = teaching units
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You benefit

Get your career off to a flying start

As a Certified Senior Software Specialist, promising career opportunities are open to you. These include positions in the areas of software development, software engineering, software testing, system analysis and software maintenance. You can also work as a software architect, software project manager or software consultant.