Eine Grafik über Performance Journey Mapping

Performance measurement of service innovations

PeriodDecember 2012 - August 2014
Contact: Dr. Elisabeth Pergler, FH CAMPUS 02

There is still no practical and scientifically sound evaluation system for the continuous improvement and performance measurement of innovative services. The aim of this project is therefore to develop a holistic evaluation system, taking into account the special features of services, in order to measure the success of service innovation and to provide an instrument for the continuous improvement of services on the basis of measurable parameters. The benefit for companies / institutions is that, in addition to the financial expenses and income from services, the effects on processes, personnel, customers, compatibility with the corporate strategy and effects on the organization as a whole are also included in a performance index as a basis for evaluation. This provides companies with a method for assessing and evaluating services that enables them to identify the necessary steps to improve services and the service innovation process (service engineering process) as a whole.
