Strategy check

Period: 2008 - 2010
Contact: FH-Prof. DI Dr. Stefan Grünwald, FH CAMPUS 02

The right strategy for new or optimized services

The core of the strategy check is the analysis of your value chain, your processes, your core competencies and your current range of services to identify unused service potential. The strategy check is based on a proven methodical approach for the development of product-related/technology-oriented services.

Margins on core products are falling in many traditional sectors and industries, which means that (product-related) services are becoming increasingly important. As current studies show, the opportunities and potential of new and/or additional services are often not recognized and often arise by chance.

The end-to-end strategy check provides you with suggestions and recommendations on how your company can develop into an innovative service provider and thus expand your revenue base.

The strategy check focused on answering the following questions:

  • What strengths and weaknesses characterize my current service competence?
  • What opportunities and potential for product/technology-oriented services lie in my current core product or core service?
  • What competitive differentiation opportunities does an improved range of services offer my company?
  • How can I further professionalize and automate my service offering through the targeted use of IT?
  • How can I generate additional sales with services?