Frequently asked questions

Our website has not yet answered all your questions?

Here you will find a selection of questions that we are frequently asked. If you have any further questions, we will be happy to advise and inform you personally.

The academic year begins every year in mid-September (on the first Friday after the start of school in Styria).

The winter semester begins in mid-September and ends in mid-February. The summer semester begins in mid-February and ends in mid-July.

Lessons take place exclusively at the weekend: Friday from 13:45 - 21:30, Saturday from 08:00 - 16:00. There is an intensive week at the beginning of each semester, during which lessons are also held during the week from 13:45 to 21:30.

High school graduates can also complete this "part-time degree" - employment is not a prerequisite for admission.

The Bachelor of Science in Engineering (abbreviated to BSc) is awarded on completion of the Bachelor's degree program in Information Systems. The Master's degree program in IT & Business Informatics concludes with the academic degree of Diplom-Ingenieur (abbreviated to Dipl.-Ing. or DI).

In principle, congruent or very similar course content from other colleges or universities can be recognized - however, the recognition process only starts after the positive application process. For this reason, we are unable to make any definite commitments in advance.

Here you will find more information about the Admission requirements for Bachelor programs.

Here you will find more information about the Admission requirements for Master's programs.

Here you will find more information about the process of the Application process.

The letter of motivation should clearly state why you have decided to study and what you expect from the course.

The letter is optional, but there is a strict points system in the admission procedure and points are also awarded for the support of the employer.

Of course, it is possible to apply to several degree programs.

Yes, with relevant professional qualifications. You can find more information at  Admission requirements.

There are regular information events about our degree program as well as the possibility of personal study advice. Here you will find the upcoming events.

There is no support from CAMPUS 02. Please contact the Student Aid Office (www.stipendium.at).

With your student ID card, you also receive all student discounts as a part-time student. So always take your student ID with you!