Completed R&D projects

Below you will find a list of our completed projects. If you are interested in carrying out a project with our field of study, we look forward to hearing from you.


The topic of digitalization is currently the subject of controversial debate. The digitalization of work is often seen as a threat, determined by automation and the associated loss of jobs. In connection with the concept of diversity, this problem is exacerbated by the exclusion of certain target groups (e.g. people with disabilities, people with a migration background, older workers, single parents) from the labor market. INCLUDE sees digitalization as an opportunity and aims to identify measures based on digital technologies to include employees with special needs in the labour market.

Project management: FH JOANNEUM - Institute for Social Work
Funded by: Zukunftsfonds Land Steiermark
Website project management:

Period: 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2020
Contact: Mag. Stefanie Hatzl, PhD - FH CAMPUS 02
Cooperation Partner: Projektleitung: FH JOANNEUM - Institut für Soziale Arbeit, Kooperationspartner: JOANNEUM - Institut für Ergotherapie, JOANNEUM RESEARCH - Institut Digital

Smart Production and Service Solutions

The Interreg project SMART PRODUCTION AND SERVICE SOLUTIONS focused on production-oriented SMEs. The aim was to identify solutions to challenges and create competence growth. In order to strengthen innovation and competitiveness on the global market, the project focused on approaches such as interdisciplinarity (certification of production processes, personnel management, use of advanced technologies and tools), interregional cooperation (Eastern and Western Slovenia, Styria, Burgenland and Carinthia) and cross-sector integration (mechatronics, ICT, mechanical engineering, new materials, etc.).,

Period: 01.05.2016 - 30.04.2019
Contact: Mag. Stefanie Hatzl, PhD, FH CAMPUS 02
Cooperation Partner: Univerza v Mariboru, Slovenski institut za kakovost in meroslovje, Evolaris next level GmbH, Forschung Burgenland GmbH, Fachhochschule Kärnten, Pomurski tehnološki park
Logo von Arrowhead


As part of the EU "ARTEMIS" initiative, the IWI R&D team is supporting AVL List GmbH in the development of smart services in the field of measurement test benches.

Note: Further details on this project cannot be provided at present for reasons of confidentiality.

PeriodMay 2013 - February 2017
Contact: DI Selver Softic, FH CAMPUS 02

Performance measurement of service innovations

There is still no practical and scientifically sound evaluation system for the continuous improvement and performance measurement of innovative services. The aim of this project is therefore to develop a holistic evaluation system, taking into account the special features of services, in order to measure the success of service innovation and provide an instrument for the continuous improvement of services on the basis of measurable parameters.

Eine Grafik über Performance Journey Mapping
PeriodDecember 2012 - August 2014
Contact: Dr. Elisabeth Pergler, FH CAMPUS 02


The EU project C-Plus deals with the innovation behavior of Central European clusters. The aim of the project is to identify factors that sustainably strengthen the innovation performance of clusters. To this end, two clusters each from Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Austria are being studied.

Period: 2010 - 2013
Contact: FH-Prof. DI Arno Hollosi, FH CAMPUS 02

New Service Development (NSD)

This study is a new edition of the study on New Service Development (NSD) that was successfully conducted in 2009. The aim is to obtain reliable information on NSD in practice, identify NSD trends and at the same time promote the topic in science, practice and politics. The study examines the role of various key factors in the field of NSD. These include, for example, organizational (strategy, structure) and customer-related aspects (role, integration) and their influence on the performance of service development.


Imagefoto Arbeitssituation
Period: 2012 - February 2014
Contact: DI Gundhille Breslmair, FH CAMPUS 02

Smart Service Entwicklung at Netconomy

NETCONOMY Software & Consulting GmbH specializes in the successful implementation of multichannel strategies and the integration of the online channel into existing corporate structures and processes. The IWI R&D team supports Netconomy in the development of smart services.
Note: Further details on this project cannot be provided at present for reasons of confidentiality.

Period: April 2014 - August 2014
Contact: DI Patrick Schweighofer, FH CAMPUS 02
Cooperation Partner: Netconomy Software & Consulting GmbH

Qualification seminar "Systematic development of innovative services and smart services"

In order to fully exploit the potential of the increasing importance of services, the seminar participants will learn a strategy-oriented process model for the development of technology-based services, which can be integrated into the respective companies by the participants after the seminar. The focus of the process model is on an overall entrepreneurial approach and offers a variety of practical methods and tools, specially tailored to the field of energy and environmental technology for the development of innovative and sustainable services.

Drei Personen in eine Besprechung
PeriodDecember 2013 - June 2014
eine Forschungsmitarbeiterin vor dem Computer

Qualification seminar "Service Assessment"

The qualification seminar was developed from the needs of the participating companies in order to strengthen the service competence and innovative strength of SMEs. The focus of the seminar is the development of a self-assessment tool to examine the aspects of "strategy, processes, methods and quality" in the development and introduction of ICT-supported services. The self-assessment tool helps companies to optimize their own service development competence step by step through internal assessors and to increase their service innovation capability.

Period: August 2013 - January 2014
Contact: DI Christoph Ehrenhöfer

E-Invoice Gateway

Legal, organizational and technical framework conditions for electronic invoicing in EU member states are listed on an Internet platform. The internet platform offers participating companies, government institutions and organizations the opportunity to enter and maintain data online.

Period: 2008 - 2010
Contact: FH-Prof. DI Dr. Stefan Grünwald, FH CAMPUS 02

Strategy check

The right strategy for new or optimized services

The core of the strategy check is the analysis of your value chain, your processes, your core competencies and your current range of services to identify unused service potential. The strategy check is based on a proven methodical approach for the development of product-related/technology-oriented services.

Period: 2008 - 2010
Contact: FH-Prof. DI Dr. Stefan Grünwald, FH CAMPUS 02

Training in innovation and strategy

TRIS is the development of a modular qualification program for SMEs, young entrepreneurs and founders for the comprehensive transfer of knowledge in the field of innovation.


Period: 2006 - 2008


Identification of opinion leaders, enabler technologies and technology adoption paths for smart energy technologies

METSET investigates 2 social science questions on the topic of smart energy technologies (SET) as a solution component of the smart grid. On the one hand, a deeper understanding of the significance of the adoption of SET in relation to other energy technologies and other smart technologies is explored (technology adoption paths). On the other hand, SET personas (typical opinion patterns) are being developed. A typification of SET users in particular supports a needs-oriented design of SET, which is necessary for increased acceptance.


Period: 01.10.2021 – 30.09.2022
Contact: Mag. Stefanie Hatzl, PhD, FH CAMPUS 02
Cooperation Partner: Fördergeber: Land Steiermark, Green Transformation, Projektleitung: FH CAMPUS 02, IT & Wirtschaftsinformatik, Projektpartner: Karl-Franzens-Universität, Institut für Systemwissenschaften Innovations- und Nachhaltigkeitsforschung