Smart Production and Service Solutions

Period: 01.05.2016 - 30.04.2019
Contact: Mag. Stefanie Hatzl, PhD, FH CAMPUS 02
Cooperation Partner: Univerza v Mariboru, Slovenski institut za kakovost in meroslovje, Evolaris next level GmbH, Forschung Burgenland GmbH, Fachhochschule Kärnten, Pomurski tehnološki park

The Interreg project SMART PRODUCTION AND SERVICE SOLUTIONS focused on production-oriented SMEs. The aim was to identify solutions to challenges and create competence growth. In order to strengthen innovation and competitiveness on the global market, the project focused on approaches such as interdisciplinarity (certification of production processes, personnel management, use of advanced technologies and tools), interregional cooperation (Eastern and Western Slovenia, Styria, Burgenland and Carinthia) and cross-sector integration (mechatronics, ICT, mechanical engineering, new materials, etc.).

Measures that were implemented in the project are

1. the introduction of a quality assurance system (ISO certification)
2. streamlining production through a Lean Production Academy
3. establishment of efficiency measurement systems,
4. products or technology transfers,
5. and the formation of new technology companies.

As a project partner, the IT & Business Informatics course at CAMPUS 02 UAS focused primarily on the development of efficiency measurement systems mentioned in point 2. The basic aim of this work package was the development of support tools to improve the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Three activities were carried out for this purpose.

The first activity dealt with the identification and transfer of best practice examples in the field of smart solutions. This means that companies were identified that have already implemented smart products, services or production processes in the cross-border project region AT-SLO. The results of this activity were summarized in a handbook as a guide and should serve companies as a tool for improvement.

The second activity focused on the development of an interactive tool for managing service quality. The concept of the Performance Journey Map (PJM), as the output of previous research activities, was digitized for this purpose and designed for use by SMEs. The digital PJM as an interactive tool enables the recording of service processes, an evaluation of these based on key figures and continuous improvement by monitoring the target/actual key figures assigned to the company dimensions.v

As part of the third activity, a tool for evaluating services from the customer's perspective was developed. The Web SEPP tool was developed to support small and medium-sized enterprises in pricing. The purpose of the service pricing tool is to make it easier for companies to implement a value-based approach to pricing. Customers can use the tool to evaluate services such as customer support from different companies. Companies can register for this and find out how satisfied their customers are and what the customer support offered is worth to them


Project results for the efficiency measurement systems work package:

Smart Production: Handbook of best practice examples: Download


Manual zum PJM Tool


The Web SEPP TOOL is available at the following link

Manual for the Web SEPP application:


General information on the Smart Production project can be found at: