Workplace situation with a man working on a project sitting on his desk in front of a notebook

IT & Business Informatics

The demand for qualified IT specialists is constantly increasing. The world of work in companies is becoming increasingly complex and specialization in just one area is often not enough. The Combination of computer science and business prepares you for the Bachelor's degree programs Business Informatics, Business Software Development and Business Analytics & AI as well as the Master IT & Business Informatics for a wide range of industries. From project management to marketing to service management - wherever IT skills are required, our graduates are there to help.

Workplace situation with two people working on a project
Fit for the future

This is business informatics

The Interaction between people, companies and IT is at the heart of business informatics. In order to be able to perform this bridging function skillfully, information technology, business management and scientific-mathematical skills are taught. In addition to the programming of systems themselves, the focus here is on determining the requirements for these systems. Which functions must be provided in order for the company to benefit economically? The development of internal information and communication systems is also part of business informatics.

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Study IT & Business Informatics

Our degree programme portfolio


Business informatics

As a link between computer science and business, graduates of this program are Bachelor's program true Allrounder in the company. Anyone who has studied business informatics knows how to use IT optimally.

6 semesters

extra occupational

Degree: BSc


Business Software Development

The first two semesters are full-time studies. From the 3rd semester onwards, courses are taught in dual model This is organized as a work-study program in which you work in a training company three days a week. This means you complete your studies after 6 semesters with 1.5 years of professional experience.

6 semesters

Full-time & dual

Degree: BSc


Business Analytics & AI

Graduates of the Bachelor's program are used in the areas of Software and web development, data and information visualization sowie Data Science specially trained.

6 semesters


Degree: BSc


IT & Business Informatics

In this Master's program Graduates learn how to solve challenging operational tasks by innovative information and communication technologies for the effective and efficient design of company organizations.

3 semesters

extra occupational

Degree: Dipl.-Ing.

IT & Business Informatics



CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences
Department of IT & Business Informatics
Körblergasse 126, 8010 Graz

Get to know IT & business informatics

Videos & Behind the Scenes

When ideas turn into success

Our mission

The Department of IT & Business Informatics is divided into Specialist areas with a corresponding focus on teaching and Research. The Combination of technical and economic content is reflected in the basic training of the Bachelor's degree in Business Informatics and continues in the Master's program IT & Business Informatics fort.

We work for your success

The team of the Department of Information Systems

Success stories

Voices & opinions on the studies

Portrait von Iris Mondschein
I was fascinated by the combination of business and technology. Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly important to build up knowledge outside one's own specialist area. These cross-connections are made possible by the course. In addition, the close practical relevance means that what you have learned can be put to excellent use in your professional environment during your studies.
Iris Mondschein

Bachelor's degree in Business Informatics

Portraitfoto Thomas Dietinger
In my opinion, the dual Bachelor's degree course is an important contribution to countering the shortage of IT specialists in a very innovative way and supports both employees and Styrian companies on their way to digitalization and Industry 4.0.

DI Dr. Thomas Dietinger, MBA

Chief Operating Officer DCCS GmbH
Portrait von Michael Mauthner
Due to the constant progress of modern information technologies, various fields of activity have become very widespread. For this reason, it is important to round off a subject-specific education with a Master's degree, which is broadly diversified with the use of elective subjects. At the same time, the course enables the direct transfer of knowledge into practice thanks to the form of organization tailored to professional activities.
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Mauthner, BSc
Bachelor graduate 2011, Master graduate 2016; Managing Director, netWERKER Mediahaus OG
Portraitfoto Stefan Grünwald

Our study programs offer a forward-looking academic education for the rapidly growing demand in the business world. The part-time or flexible organisational format allows our students to enter the professional field while studying. The Bachelor’s degree programs provide an excellent foundation for further Master’s studies, such as the part-time Master’s in IT & Business Informatics leading to a diploma as a Chartered Engineer.

Dr. Stefan Grünwald

Head of IT & Business Informatics

Stay up to date

News from the Information Technologies & Business Informatics department

Department IT- & Wirtschaftsinformatik in Kroatien

Globale Vernetzung, Innovation & Nachhaltigkeit - Zu Gast bei den FOI International Days 

Unter dem Motto "Nachhaltige Partnerschaften" fanden vom 15. bis 17. Mai 2024 die 16. FOI International Days an der Fakultät für Organisation und Informatik der Universität Zagreb in der kroatischen Stadt Varaždin statt.  Dieses Jahr wurde eine Rekordzahl von internationalen Teilnehmer*innen begrüßt: Es kamen fast 60 Lehrkräfte, Forscher*innen, Expert*innen und Studierende aus zehn Ländern und drei Kontinenten (Europa, Nordamerika und…

FH CAMPUS 02 | 17.06.2024

Outstanding result for CAMPUS 02 in the international FIBAA audit

CAMPUS 02 completed the mandatory audit for the certification of quality management at the university. In addition to the requirements for a positive result in the "Institutional Audit", the international team of 7 experts also examined the application for the award of the "Excellence in Digital Education" quality seal. In both procedures, the C02 UAS was not only able to demonstrate the necessary prerequisites for continued operation, but also...

FH CAMPUS 02 | 13.03.2024
Team des Departments IT & Wirtschaftsinformatik

Exclusive partnerships - limitless opportunities: How our IT & Business Informatics Department enriches the student experience in Business Informatics 

Our range continues to grow! With quality partners at our side, we can always offer our customers high-quality products. We were recently represented at the OOSE in Hamburg and put together something great to always offer our students the best. Together we combine the best of our CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences and the OOSE. Under the motto "Strengthen...

FH CAMPUS 02 | 04.03.2024

FH CAMPUS 02 in the regions

This was the motto of an event on 6 February 2024 in the auditorium of the University of Applied Sciences, which was attended by representatives from the regions and entrepreneurs. The focus was on the question of what CAMPUS 02 UAS can do for the Styrian regions. Many entrepreneurs and regional representatives accepted the invitation to the CAMPUS 02 auditorium. Opportunities for regional partnerships at the...

FH CAMPUS 02 | 07.02.2024