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Company analysis on the topic of commercial credit transactions (KKG)

Time period: September 2013 - July 2014
Contact: FH-Prof. DI Dr. Martin Duque, FH CAMPUS 02
Cooperation partner: Gerald Keimel (HYPO-BANK BURGENLAND; Head of Corporate Clients)

The aim of the project was to record the Austrian corporate landscape with regard to selected data and information in a "database". A particular focus was placed on companies that operate in the non-financial sector and have a total interest-bearing debt ratio of between € 1-500 million. Meaningful key figures were derived on the basis of this Austria-wide analysis.

When setting up the analysis tool, consideration was given to the fact that corresponding analyses with regard to sector, region and size classification (min. 3 size classes) and benchmarking against the BB portfolio are possible.