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Industry image analysis for Holzcluster Steiermark GmbH

Time period: March - October 2014
Contact: FH-Prof. Dr Georg Jungwirth, FH CAMPUS 02
Cooperation partner: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Erhard Pretterhofer, Managing Director of Holzcluster Steiermark GmbH

Holzcluster Steiermark GmbH is one of the strongest clusters in Europe with around 140 member companies in the forestry and timber industry and downstream sectors (including the paper and pulp industry). With a focus on timber construction, it develops and implements projects along the timber value chain.

This study for Holzcluster Steiermark GmbH focussed on the following research questions, among others:

  • What image does the Styrian timber and forestry industry have among potential future employees compared to other industries?
  • What image do students from vocational schools with a wood-related focus (agricultural and forestry schools, technical and commercial schools) have of forestry, the timber industry and the paper industry?
  • What image do students from schools not related to wood (AHS, HAK, HLW) have of these industries?
  • What image do pupils from schools that do not have anything to do with wood (AHS, HAK, HLW) have of these sectors?

In order to obtain answers to these research questions, a total of more than 750 Styrian pupils from the three above-mentioned target groups were surveyed in writing in the form of three separate quantitative sub-studies.