Between Lecture Hall and Beach: Our Semester Abroad in Portugal

Who are you?

Hello, we are Christina and Valerie, and we are studying part-time Marketing & Sales at Campus 02 University of Applied Sciences in Graz. For our fourth semester, we chose to do a semester abroad in Lisbon, where we had the opportunity to experience this beautiful city in Portugal as part of the Erasmus programme.


Why did you choose to do a semester abroad in Portugal?

We wanted to use our semester abroad to gain new perspectives and develop personally. Lisbon particularly appealed to us because the city offers a perfect blend of a vibrant metropolis and relaxed proximity to the beach. The mild climate and student-friendly atmosphere were additional plus points that made our decision easier.


What preparations had to be made?

As we are studying part-time, the preparation was a real challenge. We had to clarify our work situation and find cover in good time. The search for accommodation in Lisbon also proved difficult, as rental prices were high and time was short. In the end, we opted for a student residence recommended by our host university – a cost-effective and social solution that made it easier for us to settle in and connect with other students.

Our tip for others: A flatshare in a central location, preferably near a subway station, can save a lot of time and stress, even if it is a bit more expensive.

The selection of courses was made in coordination with our home university and the partner university in Lisbon. It was important to ensure that the courses in Portugal aligned with the requirements of our degree programme. All the courses we completed were credited to us upon successful completion, although without specific grades. We financed our semester abroad through educational leave and a self-funding scholarship, and we were also supported by Erasmus and FH CAMPUS 02. Additionally, we researched the cost of living in Lisbon in advance to plan our budget accordingly.


Brief description of the country and the university/college

Portugal is a beautiful country in the southwest of Europe, known for its stunning coastline, historic cities, and delicious cuisine. Lisbon, the capital, is a vibrant metropolis famous for its hills, the blue sea, and the iconic yellow trams. Our university, a renowned institution with an international focus and modern facilities, was located in the Benfica district, making it easily accessible by public transport.


What were your impressions in the first week on campus? What are your fellow students and lecturers like?

Our first week on campus was marked by Welcome Week, which was specifically organised for international students. This week greatly helped us to make initial contacts and obtain essential information. Despite language differences, we felt welcomed from the very beginning, and any concerns regarding understanding the course material were quickly alleviated. The institute had a smaller campus with many outdoor seating areas for relaxing during breaks, a library, study areas, and an affordable cafeteria that offered lunch and breakfast.


What can you do there?

Lisbon has countless attractions to offer. Particularly impressive were the castle, the Belém district, and the creative scene at the LX Factory. We often spent our afternoons at the beach – either at the unspoilt Costa da Caparica or the livelier Praia do Carcavelos. Both beaches are about a 40-minute train ride from the city. And of course, a surf course organised by the student association ESN was a must!

Thanks to Lisbon's central location, we were also able to take trips to other parts of Portugal, such as Porto, Madeira, or the Algarve. A particular highlight was our trip to Cabo da Roca, the westernmost point of Europe, combined with a visit to Nazaré and the historic Sintra.


Are there any cultural differences that you found particularly interesting or challenging?

An interesting cultural difference was the relaxed lifestyle in Portugal, which is also reflected in the "Portuguese time" – punctuality is viewed a bit more casually here. Initially unfamiliar, we quickly learned to appreciate this laid-back attitude. The language barrier posed challenges for us, as although many Portuguese people speak English, it was sometimes difficult to navigate daily life in less touristy areas. Another positive difference we noticed was the celebratory spirit of the Portuguese. Whether during the week or at the weekend, there was always an event to meet new people and enjoy a fresh Sagres beer or a delicious Ginja (cherry liqueur).


What new skills or knowledge did you acquire during your study abroad semester?

During our study abroad semester, we were able to develop not only academically but also personally. The experiences we gained in intercultural communication and teamwork were particularly valuable. The focus on group work and presentations at the university helped us significantly improve our presentation skills and learn about different teaching methods.


What was your most memorable experience during your study abroad semester?

It's difficult for us to pinpoint a single highlight, as the entire time in Lisbon was unforgettable. Since our usual daily life from Austria didn't take place there, every day was unique and extraordinary. We particularly remember the festivals, street parties, excursions, and relaxed afternoons at the beach that we shared together. Every day was a new adventure that made our six months in Portugal so special.


Why should one consider a study abroad semester?

A study abroad semester is a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in a new culture, expand one's comfort zone, and discover fresh perspectives. It contributes to both personal and academic development by teaching one to navigate a foreign environment and forge valuable international connections. Lisbon, in particular, is an ideal destination, as the city offers excellent infrastructure for students and allows for unforgettable experiences even on a smaller budget.


Would you recommend a study abroad semester?

Based on our experiences, we can highly recommend a study abroad semester. It is a unique opportunity that, especially with Erasmus, does not come around often. The chance to immerse oneself in a new culture, make new friendships, and advance one’s studies at the same time should not be missed. It requires courage to step out of one’s comfort zone, but we are convinced that we will look back on this special time for many years to come.


What would you have liked to know beforehand?

A detailed timeline for the preparations would have saved us a lot of stress. In particular, the late feedback from the host university created uncertainty regarding the booking of flights and accommodation, as well as clarifying our job situations. Additionally, the information about the first week arrived quite late, which made planning more difficult.