Academic course in retail management

Expand your career in the Austrian retail sector with our part-time Retail Management programme. The programme was developed by the Marketing & Sales Department in cooperation with leading Austrian retail companies and lasts three semesters. Our practice-orientated course content is tailored to the current challenges in retail management and imparts sound knowledge and skills. Start your successful career in retail now with our further education programme!

Next application
Secure your course place from 7 April 2024
Das Datum für den nächsten Bewerbungsschluss folgt demnächst ...
Just a few steps to the course
What to expect on the course

Content focus

The course prepares you in a compact and practical way for requirements in the following areas, among others:

  • Instore Marketing
  • Digital Commerce
  • Customer Experience
  • Omni-Channel-Retailing
  • Team-Management
  • Employee management
  • Sustainability


1st semester

Introductory course (0.5 SWS, 0.5 ECTS credits) Time management & self-organisation (0.5 SWS, 0.5 ECTS credits) Preparation of project reports & scientific papers (0.5 SWS, 1 ECTS credit) General Business Administration (1 SWS, 2 ECTS credits) Fundamentals of trade (1 SWS, 2 ECTS credits) Relevant legal aspects for retail (1 SWS, 1.5 ECTS credits) Personal selling (1 SWS, 1.5 ECTS credits) Communication, Presentation & Rhetoric (1 SWS, 1 ECTS credit) Fundamentals of retail marketing (1.5 SWS, 2 ECTS credits) Market research in retail (0.5 SWS, 1 ECTS credit)

Introduction to buyer behaviour (1 SWS, 2 ECTS credits) Customer - buyer - consumer (1 SWS, 2.5 ECTS credits) Bookkeeping (1 SWS, 1.5 ECTS credits) Cost accounting (1 SWS, 2 ECTS credits) Controlling (1 SWS, 2 ECTS credits) Pricing in retail (1 SWS, 1.5 ECTS credits) Integrated communication in retail (1.5 SWS, 3.5 ECTS credits) Product range policy (1 SWS, 2 ECTS credits) Merchandise management (1.5 SWS, 3 ECTS credits) Personnel development (1.5 SWS, 3 ECTS credits) Employee management (1 SWS, 2 ECTS credits) Team (management, conflict resolution, meetings) (1 SWS, 2 ECTS credits)

Business simulation retail (1 SWS, 3 ECTS credits) Sustainability in Trade (1.5 SWS, 2.5 ECTS credits) Location policy (1 SWS, 2.5 ECTS credits) Instore marketing (1.5 SWS, 3 ECTS credits) Dealing with complaints and claims (0.5 SWS, 1 ECTS credit) Sales management (1 SWS, 2 ECTS credits) Omni-channel retailing (1 SWS, 2 ECTS credits) Technologies at the POS (0.5 SWS, 1.5 ECTS credits) Digital Commerce (0.5 SWS, 2.5 ECTS credits)

SWS = Semesterwochenstunden
ECTS = European Credit Transfer System




Dauer: 54 Ausbildungstage in 3 Semestern
400 Lehreinheiten: davon ca. 30 % in Form von Online-Unterricht


Academic retail manager

Ideal for people in retail who want to develop further and aspire to a responsible position in retail.

Costs: € 7.990,- payable in 3 instalments
or € 7.790,- for a one-off payment
plus ÖH fee (currently: € 24.70) per semester


Application procedure

1. online application
2. submission of further application documents according to requirements
3. admission interview with the commission

Teaching times

Next start: 14 October 2024

Lessons take place every 3-4 weeks either in person or online. The teaching times are from Monday to Thursday from 08:30 to 17:15. If the lessons take place in person on Mondays, they will probably start at 13:00 and end at 20:00.

Die genaue Übersicht über die Unterrichtszeiten finden Sie hier zum Download.
(vorbehaltlich Änderungen)


  • 01Online Application
  • 02Submission of further application documents
  • 03Admission interview with the Commission

max. number of participants: 25

Application deadline: to be announced


A-levels are not required, but at least an apprenticeship qualification and 4 years of professional experience.


Academic programm in retail management
You benefit

Take off professionally

Erfahren Sie, wie erfolgreicher Handel im 21. Jahrhundert funktioniert. Entwickeln Sie ein gesamthaftes unternehmerisches Denken und Handeln und leben Sie Kund*innenorientierung im Zeitalter von Customer Experience und Touchpoint Management. Lernen Sie, Mitarbeiter*innen zu motivieren und zu führen und meistern Sie die Herausforderungen moderner Handelsunternehmen, einschließlich Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit. Werden Sie zukunftsfähig und erfolgreich im Markt!