Smart Data Services (SDS) (Focus on innovation-based digitalization)

Period: 03/2020 – 03/3021
Contact: FH-Prof. DI Dr. mont. Michael Terler, FH CAMPUS 02
Cooperation partner: Fördergeber: Land Steiermark

The aim of the project is to build up R&D expertise in the core areas of service engineering and data science in order to enable the combined development and innovation of smart data services (SDS). To this end, the models for service development (Service Engineering Procedure Model) and innovation development (Graz Innovation Model) developed at CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences will be adapted to the new conditions and requirements of digitalization and thus also Industry 4.0. The focus is on the development of a model complex that integrates tools and methods to generate smart data from existing data and offer opportunities to create smart data services. The acquired R&D skills should contribute to the further development of teaching and research at CAMPUS 02 UAS and support companies in developing innovative services based on smart data in the shortest possible time. This will create added value for students, project partners, customers and companies, which should ultimately give them a decisive competitive advantage over their rivals.