GMK - Business Model Configurator

Period: 10/2019 – 03/2021
Contact: Dr. Hans Lercher, FH CAMPUS 02
Cooperation partner: Institut für Technologie und Innovationsmanagement (TIM) der RWTH Aachen

A business model innovation introduces a new logic for how a company generates value for its customers and itself. The more a GM innovation deviates from the existing business model (GM), the greater the transformation effort and the greater the risk, because

  • new skills need to be developed,
  • old resources may become obsolete,
  • internal resistance increases with the degree of radicality.

But not all business models are the same.

There are 55 different business model patterns and each of them has its own advantages. It is easy to get entangled in them like in a labyrinth. CAMPUS 02's business model configurator helps Styrian SMEs to recognize their own business model. It also shows possible paths to new, desired versions.

Cooperation project with the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) at RWTH Aachen University