FRIDAR - Frugal innovations through authentic regional resources

Period: 03/2019 –02/2021
Contact: Mag. Thomas Winkler, PhD, MSc, FH CAMPUS 02

Many Styrian areas, formerly industrial or agricultural regions, are struggling with change and the associated loss of regional authenticity. To counteract this loss, it is important to recognize what is already there. Using these tangible and intangible resources innovatively to increase the region's added value is more promising than following short-term trends that have no connection to the region and its special features. On a scientific level, this means developing an approach that is characterized by the combination of two innovation approaches, resource thinking and frugal innovation, with their adaptation to regions. The aim of this approach is to identify WHAT defines a region and HOW this identity can be used innovatively to promote regional authenticity and increase the region's added value.

The FRIDAR project pursues four main objectives:

  1. Development of a system for identifying, collecting and presenting existing/authentic resources using the resource thinking approach
  2. The systematic derivation of a "regional DNA" (rDNA) of the pilot regions
  3. Using this rDNA to revive regional authenticity and restart regional value creation
  4. Promotion of frugal innovations in the region

Funding body: Province of Styria

