Innovation Expert certificate course

It is crucial for the success of companies to react quickly to changing conditions and actively shape social change. Innovative organizations can meet customer requirements, achieve a competitive advantage in the market and contribute to the promotion of sustainable development. Future-oriented companies therefore integrate innovation management as an integral part of their strategic planning.


Online info evening

19.06.2024, 17:00 Uhr
What you can expect on the course

Content focus

The 'Innovation Expert' certificate course at the Innovation Business School is modularly structured and ranges from systematic innovation development, business models, the implementation of a successful innovation strategy, and agile leadership styles to a Design Sprint for rapid development of product concepts.

  • Systematic innovation
  • Presenting, analyzing and developing business models
  • Digital transformation of companies and organizations
  • Analyzing market and consumer trends and recognizing social changes
  • Developing future scenarios
  • Leading in innovation-oriented organizations
  • Financial planning for innovation projects
  • Künstliche Intelligenz im Innovationsprozess
Everything at a glance

The facts about the course


Duration: 2 attendance days at CAMPUS 02 and 2 half days online per module

Three university courses must be completed for certification.

max. number of participants: 20


Certified Innovation Expert

Who is this further training aimed at?

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Managing directors and managers in organizations
  • Employees with an interest in innovation-oriented leadership


Open to all interested people who already have professional experience or are just starting out in their careers

15 ECTS-Credits

A total of 75 teaching units are planned for this.

ECTS credits can only be awarded to participants with a general higher education entrance qualification.

ECTS = European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System


Für die Zertifizierung „Certified Innovation Expert“:
 EUR 4.850,- 

Certification requires the completion of 3 of the 6 courses offered (EUR 1,500 per course and person) as well as a company-specific practical project. The certification fee is EUR 350.

We encourage broad participation to create innovation multipliers in companies. If you have any questions about individual pricing for companies, please contact us directly.

Registration & deadlines

  1. Go to "Register now" below.
  2. Enter your details in the form.
  3. You will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of your registration.
  4. If necessary, we will ask you for additional documents by e-mail.

Anmeldefrist Modul “KI im Innovationsprozess“ bis 12.09.2024

Lesson times

Classroom teaching at CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences from 09:00 - 17:00 Online lessons generally from 13:30 - 17:30

The exact times of the individual modules:

Dienstag, 17.09.2024, Präsenz an der FH CAMPUS 02
Donnerstag, 19.09.2024, online
Dienstag, 01.10.2024, online
Donnerstag, 03.10.2024, Präsenz an der FH CAMPUS 02

Mittwoch, 16.10.2024, in Präsenz an der FH CAMPUS 02
Donnerstag, 17.10.2024, online
Mittwoch, 23.10.2024, online
Donnerstag, 24.10.2024, in Präsenz an der FH CAMPUS 02
25.10.2024 2-stündige Online-Einheit

Dienstag,05.11.2024, in Präsenz an der FH CAMPUS 02
Donnerstag, 07.11.2024, online
Dienstag, 12.11.2024, online
Donnerstag, 14.11.2024, in Präsenz an der FH CAMPUS 02

Dienstag,03.12.2024, in Präsenz an der FH CAMPUS 02
Donnerstag, 05.12.2024, online
Dienstag, 10.12.2024, online
Donnerstag, 12.12.2024, in Präsenz an der FH CAMPUS 02

will be announced soon

will be announced soon

Learn individually & flexibly

Nützen Sie die Möglichkeiten des Life Long Learning-Passes der FH CAMPUS 02!
Dieser Lehrgang ist modular aufgebaut, d. h. Sie können die einzelnen Module bei Bedarf auch einzeln absolvieren. Sofern Sie drei der fünf angebotenen Module des Zertifikatlehrgangs „Innovation Expert“ der Innovation Business School sowie ein firmenspezifisches Praxisprojekt innerhalb von 2 Jahren absolviert haben, wird Ihnen der Titel Certified Innovation Expert verliehen.

Certified Innovation Expert certificate course
Portraitfoto Magdalena Diem

Magdalena Diem, MSc

Contact for organizational questions
CAMPUS 02 Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft
Department of Innovation Management
Körblergasse 126, 8010 Graz

Portraitfoto Michael Terler

FH-Prof. DI Dr. mont. Michael Terler

Program management
CAMPUS 02 Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft
Department of Innovation Management
Körblergasse 126, 8010 Graz

What you can expect in terms of content

Course overview

Innovations are the successful implementation of ideas. This increases the competitiveness of companies on the market. Ideas are therefore at the beginning of every innovation - and to ensure that these ideas do not get lost in day-to-day business, it is necessary to develop and implement them in a targeted manner.

In the Innovation Essentials university course, you will deal with the systematic development of innovations with the help of mature innovation processes. These will guide you from determining the direction of innovation, through the effective generation of ideas with the right methods and tools, to the selection and implementation of the innovation project in the company. The Graz Innovation Model BIG Picture gives you a holistic understanding of how you can anchor innovations in your company in the long term.

3 ECTS credits, 25 units Performance is assessed by means of an examination. ECTS credits can only be awarded to participants with a general higher education entrance qualification.

Business models depict the logical connections between a company's business activities. They show how added value is generated for customers, which resources and networks are necessary for this and what returns can be secured for your own organization. In the Business Modelling university course, you will learn how to deal with (digital) business models, identify key factors for your own entrepreneurial success, recognize weaknesses and formulate strategies to develop the business model sustainably. This applies to start-ups as well as established companies on their way into and through the digital transformation.

3 ECTS credits, 25 units Performance is assessed by means of a project assignment. ECTS credits can only be awarded to participants with a general higher education entrance qualification.

Successfully managing and shaping companies is based on the ability to recognize innovation potential, systematically leverage it and translate it into a successful strategy. This requires a structured analysis of trends and changes, a good knowledge of the needs of customers in the market and the evaluation of existing and new relevant technologies. In the Innovation Strategies university course, you will identify and analyze sources of innovation. You will evaluate external changes and trends in the market as well as potentials that arise from new technologies in order to create competitive advantages that are effective for success.

3 ECTS credits, 25 units ECTS credits can only be awarded to participants with a general higher education entrance qualification.

Innovation Leadership includes the synthesis of different agile leadership styles to support employees in developing and implementing creative ideas, products, services and solutions. In this module, you will acquire the most important skills of a successful innovative leader and learn to actively support and drive change. Agile leadership means leading groups and teams in a goal-oriented manner with few rules and bureaucracy in order to become faster and more flexible when developing and implementing new ideas.

3 ECTS credits, 25 units ECTS credits can only be awarded to participants with a general higher education entrance qualification.

In diesem Hochschulkurs werden die wichtigsten Arten und Anwendungsgebiete der Künstlichen Intelligenz im Innovationsbereich praxisnah beleuchtet und für das eigene Unternehmen bewertet. Basierend auf dem Grazer Innovationsmodell BIG Picture werden Einsatzmöglichkeiten verschiedener KI-Tools erörtert. Dadurch können Ressourcen gespart, Prozesse optimiert und das Entwicklungspotential der Unternehmen noch besser ausgeschöpft werden. Die künstliche Intelligenz kann dabei von der Entwicklung neuer Ideen für Produkte und Dienstleistungen, über Markt- und Patentrecherchen bis hin zur Entscheidungsfindung in Unternehmen einen wesentlichen Beitrag leisten.

3 ECTS credits, 25 units Performance is assessed by means of project work. ECTS credits can only be awarded to participants with a general higher education entrance qualification.

The Finance Hands-on university course teaches the basic content and interrelationships of the balance sheet and income statement and presents them in the form of case studies. On the other hand, the central elements of corporate planning - profit plan, financial plan, budgeted balance sheet - are taught. The content is supplemented by key company figures and underpinned with concrete examples so that the interrelationships within the company and the effects of economic decisions become clear.

3 ECTS credits, 25 units ECTS credits can only be awarded to participants with a general higher education entrance qualification.

ECTS = European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
LE = teaching units

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You profit

Get started professionally

Your advantages when you complete this certificate course:

  • Learning from innovation experts from the field
  • Interactive exchange with other participants
  • Direct implementation of the content in your own organization
Success stories

Voices & moods on further training

As a business economist and marketing specialist, the training at IBS was perfect for building up my personal know-how and expanding my knowledge. The course offered me a compact but in-depth learning environment. The flexibility to book the modules according to my personal schedule was particularly valuable to me. I was also impressed by the scientifically sound approach, which is both practical and directly applicable in professional life. I give it 5 stars and a clear recommendation. As soon as there are more modules, I will definitely be back.

Mag. Elisabeth Schreyer

INNOLAB Restart-up support
Graduate of the Innovation Business School

Thanks to the Certified Innovation Expert training and the Innovation Business School program, we were able to expand our expertise in innovation management and put theory into practice straight away. We have redeveloped our innovation management process and were able to draw on the fresh know-how. For us, the practical relevance and the exchange between the participants were very important and therefore provided the greatest added value. The Business Modeling and Innovation Leadership modules were particularly tangible.

Jürgen Reichel, Bsc MA & Sandeep Kumar, MSc.

Allgemeine Unfallsversicherungsanstalt
Graduates of the Innovation Business School

Sandeep Kumar_orig
Jürgen Reichel