Innovation is the successful implementation of ideas to increase a company's competitiveness on the market. Every innovation therefore starts with ideas - and to ensure that these ideas do not get lost in day-to-day business, it is necessary to develop and implement them in a targeted manner. In this module, you will deal with the systematic development of innovations with the help of mature innovation processes. These will guide you from determining the direction of innovation, through the effective generation of ideas with the right methods and tools, to the selection and implementation of the innovation project in the company. The Graz Innovation Model BIG Picture gives you a holistic understanding of how you can anchor innovations in your company in the long term.

Online info evening

19.06.2024, 17:00 Uhr
What you can expect from the university course

Contents & focus

The university course "Innovation Essentials" has the following content and therefore focus areas:

  • Understanding innovation with its characteristics and effects
  • Systematic innovation
  • Functional thinking versus solution thinking
  • Frugal innovations and resource thinking
  • Methods and tools for generating and evaluating ideas
  • Developing idea concepts - increasing the maturity level of ideas
  • Das Grazer Innovationsmodell „BIG Picture“

The entire course comprises 3 ECTS credits (25 units). Performance is assessed by means of an examination.

ECTS = European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
LE = teaching units



Duration: 2 days on site at CAMPUS 02 and 2 half-days online

25 teaching units of which 1/3 online teaching

max. number of participants: 20


For participation in the university course:
EUR 1.500,- 

We encourage broad participation to create innovation multipliers in companies. If you have any questions about individual pricing for companies, please contact us directly.



Confirmation of participation in the university course
„Innovation Essentials“

Who is this further training aimed at?

Dieses Weiterbildungs­angebot richtet sich an

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Managing directors and managers in organizations
  • Employees with an interest in innovation-oriented leadership


Open to all interested people who already have professional experience or are just starting out in their careers

3 ECTS Credits

Services amounting to 75 hours are provided for this purpose.

ECTS credits can only be awarded to participants with a general higher education entrance qualification.

Registration & deadlines

  1. Go to "Register now".
  2. Enter your details in the form.
  3. You will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of your registration.
  4. If necessary, we will ask you for additional documents by e-mail.

Anmeldefrist: 28.11.2024

Lesson times

Start: 03.12.2024

On-site classes at FH CAMPUS 02 from 09:00 – 17:00
Online classes from 13:30 – 17:30

Dienstag, 03.12.2024, in Präsenz an der FH CAMPUS 02
Donnerstag, 05.12..2024, online
Dienstag, 10.12.2024, online
Donnerstag, 12.12.2024, in Präsenz an der FH CAMPUS 02

Learn individually & flexibly

Nützen Sie die Möglichkeiten des Life Long Learning-Passes der FH CAMPUS 02!
Innovation Essentials ist Teil eines modular aufgebauten Weiterbildungsprogramms. Sie können auf Wunsch auch weitere Module absolvieren. Sofern Sie drei des Zertifikatlehrgangs „Innovation Expert“ der Innovation Business School sowie ein firmenspezifisches Praxisprojekt innerhalb von 2 Jahren absolviert haben, wird Ihnen der Titel Certified Innovation Expert verliehen.

Certified Innovation Expert certificate course
Portraitfoto Magdalena Diem

Magdalena Diem, MSc

Contact for organizational questions
CAMPUS 02 Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft
Department of Innovation Management
Körblergasse 126, 8010 Graz

Portraitfoto Michael Terler

FH-Prof. DI Dr. mont. Michael Terler

Program management
CAMPUS 02 Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft
Department of Innovation Management
Körblergasse 126, 8010 Graz

Already sent your registration?
Secure your place on the course
Das Datum für den nächsten Bewerbungsschluss folgt demnächst ...
Registration deadline: 04.07.2024
You benefit

Get started professionally

Your advantages of completing this university course:

  • Learning from innovation experts from the field
  • Interactive exchange with other participants
  • Direct implementation of the content in your own organization