Freitag, 9. April 2021 , 09:00 - 12:00
MATE – Mingle Acknowledge Trust Events

This Project is an initiative to raise awareness against all forms of hate speech and discrimination.

We would like to invite you all to take part in these events and share it within your network. Let´s all unite in our initiatives to raise awareness against all forms of hate and discrimination!

The MATE event will take place online and if you are interested in the topic or have been affected in your personal life by any aspects of hate speech, you are kindly invited to take part in the event and support us in raising awareness against all forms of hate & discrimination.


The event is aiming at the discovery of shared cultural and social elements and at bringing together students from all over the world.


MATE facilitators from the Institute of International Management prepared activities inspired by 30 Human Universals aiming to shed light on shared values and human ideals.


Christian Burger, Head of Community Management at the STANDARD, and author of „Sch(m)utz im Netz“, a polemic on dialogue culture on the internet will talk about “Why we need DIGITAL masks”


Projectpartners from the NoHate@WebStyria project will report on “Media Strategies” in dealing with hate speech &  provide us with the legal perspectives of Hate Speech and further interested results of their studies.


Online via MS TEAMS
