Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2024 , 09:30 - 11:30
Teaching (for) Future Skills in Higher Education

Teaching (for) Future Skills in Higher Education


The 21st century is, among other things, characterised by a technology-driven economy and society. Disruptive advances can happen anytime, as the emergence of AI tools like ChatGPT have impressively shown. In such dynamic and rapidly changing times, not only subject knowledge is key to a successful career but also general intra- and interpersonal skills are required to effectively participate and quickly adapt in today’s world of work. Thus, the demand of aligning higher education teaching with the so-called future skills or 21st century skills has been around for a while now. But what exactly is meant by the terms „future skills“, „21st century skills“, the „4 Cs“ or the „7 Cs“? What can higher education teachers do in order to foster the development of these skills among their students and is it worth the effort? What prerequisites are necessary at the organisational level and what can universities really achieve?

The workshop will tackle these questions by providing input and opportunity for critical discussion in the plenary and small groups. Peer exchange and peer learning will be emphasized throughout the event. Teachers from all ARQUS Alliance universities are invited to share their approaches and practices regarding teaching (for) future skills in higher education.

Learning outcomes

  • After the workshop, participants will be able to
  • explain the concept of future skills and the different terms used for it
  • discuss the significance of teaching future skills at universities
  • select different teaching methods and techniques in order to foster the development of future skills among their students
  • compare and contrast their own approach to teaching future skills with the ones of colleagues from other ARQUS universities
  • compare and contrast organisational measures to foster future skills at different ARQUS Alliance universities

Max. number of participants: 30

Trainer: Beatrice Kogler, university of Graz

Registration: Arqus Teaching Innovation – Online Workshops (
