People in business casual clothing are standing in a white space with yellow data streams flowing around

Digitalisation in university administration

A university's digitalisation strategy cannot be limited to teaching and research functions alone, but must encompass the entire organisation. Drawing up a strategy and setting it down on paper is not enough; it must be a living process of change that encompasses and involves all employees. CAMPUS 02 UAS has therefore set itself the goal of scrutinising its own processes and gradually improving them with the help of digital tools. This section describes some specific examples that can be used to track the dimensions of an internal digitalisation strategy.

Digitaler Studierenden- und Lehrendenausweis

Stets am Smartphone dabei, sicher und digital: Gemeinsam mit der Studierenden-App Studo hat die Fachhochschule CAMPUS 02 einen digitalen Ausweis entwickelt. Diese Digital Student Card haben die Studierenden immer griffbereit auf ihrem Smartphone dabei. So können sie sich digital an der Hochschule, aber auch für Studierenden-Vergünstigungen ausweisen. Zusätzlich steht die Digital Staff Card allen Bediensteten und nebenberuflich Lehrenden für die Zeit ihre Lehrauftrages zur Verfügung. Die FH CAMPUS 02 bot als erste Hochschule in Österreich ihren Studierenden und Mitarbeiter*innen diese moderne und nachhaltige Lösung zur Identifikation an und überzeugt auch in dieser Hinsicht mit einer Vorreiterrolle.

Electronic personnel file

Employees must be able to trust that their documents are managed properly and securely by the employer. The complex regulatory system and the fact that employee turnover due to frequent job changes is resulting in increasingly diverse professional biographies argue in favour of mapping and maintaining personnel files electronically. Since 2020, CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences has introduced electronic personnel files in order to comply with all relevant legal requirements and provide services for employees. At the same time, interfaces to other relevant systems have also been set up, such as electronic time recording, payroll accounting and the like.

Electronic order management

Organisations with work-sharing structures can use digital tools to map processes across multiple organisational units and control levels in a practical and quality-assuring way. At CAMPUS 02 UAS, this was implemented for the internal ordering process as the first stage of the entire procurement process. This ensures that all internal and legal framework conditions are fully complied with and that orders can be approved online from anywhere by authorised persons. Every step is documented and therefore traceable in the course of checks. All open orders can be clearly visualised.

Electronic time and attendance recording

Incl. project time recording

Both CAMPUS 02 UAS employees and students are guided through an electronic time recording system to record their attendance times in courses. This is connected to both the electronic personnel file and the current study and student administration system at the UAS and takes over the relevant records.

In addition, a tool was implemented for recording project times, which provides those responsible in research and development with an improved and always up-to-date overview of the progress and utilisation of personnel resources in individual projects and can also be used for their billing.

Electronic application management

Study programmes at a university of applied sciences are subject to clear rules when they are created and changed. Every degree programme must be subject to continuous further development in order to remain ‘state of the art’ at all times. New teaching methods must be developed or examination formats adapted so that the students' learning success is supported in the best possible way. All of this is subject to a multifaceted process that involves students, lecturers and companies in a permanent communication loop. The highest body for quality assurance is the UAS Board. In addition to the further development of content, it is also necessary to inform future applicants in detail about the course content and learning objectives of a degree programme so that they can make an informed study decision.

CAMPUS 02 UAS has therefore decided to embed the entire process of developing and changing curricula, programme content, etc. in a digital process to ensure that no detail is lost, that all steps are completed and that the current status is always available. At the same time, all steps must be traceable and transparent.

Both the development of the new process and the actual programming and conversion took more than a year, but the result is an efficient and quality-assuring tool that is connected to the website and student administration via various interfaces in order to transfer the data correctly and seamlessly.

Digitalisation in university administration

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