Our university


The digital transformation is one of the greatest challenges facing our society, which harbours both opportunities and challenges. These effects can also be clearly felt at universities. It is therefore important to shape the knowledge transfer of the future in an appropriate setting. As a learning and evolving institution, CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences is facing up to these challenges with a forward-looking strategy in order to remain innovative and efficient in the digital age. The transformation is taking place in all core areas of our university, first and foremost in teaching, research and university administration. Much has already been achieved, some things are anchored in our vision for the future and are still being implemented.

Digitalisation in study & teaching

The digitalisation of studying and teaching enables the professionalisation of teaching as well as the individualisation and optimisation of teaching and learning processes. It is not only aimed at the technical equipment of lecture theatres and the training of teaching staff, but also specifically at the creation of content for synchronous and asynchronous teaching units. In addition, all degree programmes teach basic digital skills that are necessary in the respective field of expertise or professional field.

Digitalisation in R&D

For research, development and innovation at CAMPUS 02 UAS, the concept of digitalisation means the problem-solving-oriented use of corresponding new technologies and the further development of these technologies in the key areas of expertise. The central objective is to support Styrian companies on their way into the digital world.

Digitalisation in university administration

A university's digitalisation strategy cannot be limited to teaching and research functions alone, but must encompass the entire organisation. CAMPUS 02 UAS has therefore set itself the goal of scrutinising its own processes and gradually improving them with the help of digital tools. This section describes some specific examples that can be used to track the dimensions of an internal digitalisation strategy.

Artificial Intelligence

Generative AI models are here to stay. AI-based tools, such as Large Language Models (LLM) or image-, sound- and video-generating models, will be integrated into many areas of our lives and will also continue to develop rapidly and steadily. It would be wrong to ignore or ban AI tools. Rather, it is up to us as a university to adapt our curricula/learning objectives, train researchers, teachers and students in dealing with AI and provide them with the tools, framework conditions and recommendations for dealing with AI.


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