Privacy Statement


Protecting your data is of utmost importance to us. Our privacy statements for different groups of data subjects offer a brief overview of the personal data we collect and what it is used for.

We, CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences (abbr. CAMPUS 02 UAS), Körblergasse 126, 8010 Graz, Austria, process the following personal data categories by automated means: Data we mainly receive from you via e-mail in the course of the application procedure (e.g. name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, date of birth, citizenship, CV, motivational statement, certificates and other data provided by you during application); and data that is generated during the application process (e.g. in job interviews, hearings with the appointment committee or through other forms of communication).

We process this data to ensure lawful conduction of the application procedure. Pre-contractual measures stipulated in Art. 6 para. 1 cl. b of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) serve as the legal basis.

You have no legal or contractual obligation to provide us with your data. However, we cannot conduct the application procedure, if you do not provide us with the data we require to do so.
We process any sensitive data (e.g. religious beliefs) based on your explicit consent, which you give on a voluntary basis when submitting your application, in accordance with Art. 9 para. 2 cl. a of the GDPR.

If you have given us consent to keep your application on file for future reference, we will also process your data to be able to contact you or inform you of other interesting vacancies. Your consent according to Art. 6 para. 1, cl. a of the GDPR serves as the legal basis.

In the event that your application is successful, we will further process your data to the extent required for concluding your employment contract.

According to the Equality Act (Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, GlBG), if we cannot offer you the job you applied for, we will delete your data after a period of 6 months plus 4 weeks from when you receive the notification of rejection.

If you have given us consent to keep your application on file for future reference, we will process your data until you withdraw your consent, yet only for a maximum of two years, starting from the time you gave consent.

The retention period may be extended in all cases where judicial or administrative proceedings are pending in which CAMPUS 02 UAS has party status and in which this data is at issue.

Your personal data is treated as confidential and is generally processed only by CAMPUS 02 UAS staff members internally.

However, data processors who have been commissioned by us can also process data for the purposes mentioned if they can ensure adequate data security. For example, in cases where support is required, external IT service providers can see and process the above-mentioned data categories.

If you are applying for a vacancy in teaching and/or research, members of the University of Applied Sciences Board of CAMPUS 02 UAS, possibly other student representatives and, in the event of a hearing, an external psychologist who will be able to see your personal data in the course of the application procedure.

We use Microsoft Office 365 as the cloud service for our e-mail correspondence as well as for application processing. Hosting is mainly provided within the European Union in accordance with European data protection laws. Some services and technical support can also be provided from outside of the EU. Some data can also be stored in the US. Data transfers to providers in the US are permitted under Art 49 (1) lit d GDPR if these are necessary for the fulfilment of a contract or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures. Communication via “Office 365” is necessary for the initiation of a service contract and the processing of the application procedure, as well as in the event of a subsequent employment contract. In addition, standard contractual clauses apply. Further information on data processing can be found in Microsoft’s privacy policy (

You can withdraw your consent regarding our keeping your application on file at any time by contacting The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of data processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Please note that we will update this privacy statement from time to time (e.g. due to law amendments, usage of new technology, new study opportunities). We recommend that you regularly check it for updates.

In general, you have right of access, the right to rectification, to erasure, to restrict, to data portability, to withdraw and to object.

If you do, please contact us — we will be happy to help.

Data Protection Coordination Team at CAMPUS 02 UAS

CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences
Körblergasse 126, 8010 Graz
+43 316 6002-8909

Data Protection Officer

If you believe that processing your data violates data protection laws or that your data protection rights have been infringed in some other way, you can also file a complaint with the supervisory authority. In Austria, the competent supervisory authority is the Austrian Data Protection Authority in Barichgasse 40-42, 1030 Vienna, telephone no.: +43 1 52 152-0,