Next level in the management of student projects

Students on both the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in the Department of Accounting & Controlling have to complete a project with a specific application as part of the ‘Practical Project’ course. Companies or public institutions commission our project teams with topics from our core competences of bookkeeping, accounting, taxes, controlling, corporate finance and general business administration. In the practical projects, students can prove that they can apply the skills acquired in the lecture theatre in a targeted manner.

In addition to technical skills, it is important to us that students also have a professional approach to project management. We currently only use Microsoft 365 with the Planner, Teams, SharePoint, OneNote and Outlook apps for project management. Thanks to the generous support of ONEPOINT Projects GmbH, based in Raaba, we are taking the next step in the professionalisation of our project management from the winter semester 2023/24. With the introduction of Planforge, we can offer our students software that fully supports the IPMA standard we teach. The integration of all project plans also eliminates interfaces. By using Planforge, we can provide our students with even more practical training in project management.

In preparation for the practical projects, students are already being provided with videos on how to use the project management apps. With the introduction of Planforge, the video series now needs to be updated. The content of the videos starts with a compact refresher on central project management theory and goes on to show our ‘rules of the game’ in the management of practical projects and the concrete application of Planforge in the project start, project coordination, project controlling and project completion phases.

The first video sequences have already been filmed. We used the ‘Studio for Innovative Teaching’ (StiL) at our Centre for University Didactics (ZHD) for this. We did not use a fully formulated script, but instead created a mind map with the content to be conveyed. By using the green screen, we were not only able to comment on the content visualised using PowerPoint with speech, but also underline it with facial expressions and gestures. We will produce the other sequences both at StiL and in the home office. To ensure the sound quality in the home office, the ZHD will support us with appropriate microphones. Post-production will be carried out using Camtasia 2022 and we have already commissioned an agency to create corporate design-compliant templates for the intro, outro, transitions and belly bands.

We would like to thank the ZHD for their great support. We wish all teachers lots of fun and success in their film careers. See you at the Oscars. Roll the film!




René Thaller (on the right) is a full-time lecturer at the Department of Accounting & Controlling. He coordinates the ‘Transfer’ subject area in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes as well as the Master's subject area ‘General Management’. FH CAMPUS 02 RWC Transfser

Tobias Drugowitsch (left) is a consultant and co-partner at PMCC Consulting GmbH. He teaches project and process management in several departments at CAMPUS 02.


Practical teaching of project management skills at the ‘Accounting & Controlling’ department with generous support from