International Office

Student Mobility

Discover new horizons with our unique opportunities! Escape the daily grind and make your studies exciting and enriching. Fulfill your long-cherished dream of studying abroad and experience cultural diversity first-hand. Unleash your full potential and shape your future with the many opportunities we offer. Start your journey to new experiences and personal growth now!

Studierende vor dem FH Gebäude

Incoming & Outgoing

Take the opportunity to complete a mandatory internship abroad as part of your studies and gain valuable professional experience. Expand your existing professional horizons with an internship abroad and develop yourself further.
A study or internship abroad offers the opportunity to change perspectives, grow with new tasks, acquire or deepen foreign language skills and immerse yourself in a foreign culture. The friendships that are made during this time often last a lifetime and represent not only a valuable private but also professional international network. For this reason, more and more students are opting for a work placement or a study visit to one of the partner universities abroad.

Study abroad with ERASMUS+

Conditions of participation

An application can be submitted if the following criteria are met:

  • there is a bilateral agreement between CAMPUS 02 UAS and the university to be attended
  • The applicant is a regular student at CAMPUS 02 UAS.
  • the applicant has completed at least 1 year of undergraduate studies at the time of starting the Erasmus+ study visit
  • the duration of the study visit is at least 2 to max. 12 months
  • Students can undertake multiple funded stays abroad, up to 12 months per study cycle (BA, MA, PhD).
  • Motivation
  • Quality of the submitted application documents
  • Language skills or willingness for language preparation
  • Grade average

Unless the host university specifies earlier application deadlines, the completed documents, signed by all parties involved, must be submitted by 1 June for the following winter semester and 1 November for the following summer semester at the latest:

  • Motivational letter
  • Application form of the host university
  • Learning-Agreement
  • Transcript of Records (= confirmation of academic success to date)

As it takes a considerable amount of time to prepare for a study abroad programme and an application is required at both the home and host university, we recommend that you start planning a year before you wish to start.

Grant: Upon review of the Learning Agreement by the International Office, the Grant Agreement is issued to the students. After receiving the signed agreement, 80% of the grant is disbursed, with the final installment paid to the students after submission of all required documents at the end of the stay.

The recovery limit for the mobility grant is 3 ECTS credits per month. Regardless of this recovery limit, students are expected to complete courses amounting to 30 ECTS credits per semester.

Study grant: This can continue to be received for the duration of the study period abroad. In addition to the Erasmus+ application, students receiving study grants must apply themselves to the relevant study grant authority for a grant for studying abroad.

Tuition fees: Within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, the host institution is not allowed to charge any tuition fees. Small expenses that the host institution charges for certain services (e.g., insurance, student union fees) and study materials (such as photocopies, lab supplies, etc.), which are also charged to their own students, are not considered tuition fees. These charges must not be higher than those for local students. Tuition fees at the home institution must also be paid during the stay abroad.

Changes: Before starting the Erasmus+ stay, all students must complete a Learning Agreement, which must be signed by all three parties – the home institution, the host institution, and the student. Changes must be made by the student at the host institution within 1 month of commencing studies and signed by all three parties.

Extensions: Extending a study period abroad is generally possible, provided that the extension application is submitted at least one month before the end of the stay and is approved by the home institution. The extension period must not exceed the originally requested period, and the total duration of the stay must not exceed 12 months. The Learning Agreement must be reissued and signed by all involved parties.

Students whose primary language of instruction is Danish, English, French, Greek, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, or Czech must undergo a mandatory assessment before the start and shortly before the end of the mobility phase. Students exempt from this requirement are those who have native-level proficiency in the respective languages. Students who have completed the assessment can opt to take a voluntary online language course in the same language, available for the entire duration of the mobility period. (Students who demonstrate a level between B2 and C2 in the assessment have the option to complete the voluntary online language course in the language of instruction or the host country's language.)

The following documents must be submitted after the end of the study period abroad, adhering to the deadlines listed below:

International Office within 4 weeks after the end of the study period:

  • Confirmation of stay in original format
  • Student report in the Erasmus+ online database
  • Copy of the decision on the foreign assistance grant, if applicable

Students will receive the remaining 20% of EU funding only after the complete submission of all documents.

International Office within 2 months after the end of the study period:

  • Transcript of Records of the hosting university
  • Learning Agreement - Section C, signed by all parties, after the mobility
  • Experience report (online survey)
  • Selected photos sent via email to

Für weitere Informationen zu Ihrem Erasmus+ Studienaufenthalt besuchen Sie die Homepage des OeAD.

Going abroad for an internship with ERASMUS+

Conditions of participation

An application can be submitted under the fulfillment of the following criteria:

  • The applicant is a regular student at CAMPUS 02 UAS.
  • The duration of the internship is minimum 2 to maximum 12 months (a full month is considered, for example, the period from February 7th to March 6th).
  • The internship is approved by the study program.
  • Students can undertake multiple funded stays abroad, up to 12 months per study cycle (BA, MA, PhD).
  • The company and/or the internship placement is not an institution of the European Union and/or an organization managing EU programs.

Internship Abroad for Graduates (Alumni): Graduates apply for an internship during their active study period (before graduation) directly at the university and must complete the internship within a maximum of 12 months after completing their studies.

  • Motivation
  • Quality of the submitted application documents
  • Grade average

The following documents must be submitted to the International Office at least 1 month before departure for the study abroad program:

  • A copy of the Learning Agreements for Traineeships (signed by all three parties) must be submitted.
  • Motivational letter
  • CV
  • A copy of the "Request for Professional Internship" approved/signed by the department (not required for graduate internships)
  • Transcript of records from the last completed academic semesters


The Learning Agreement must be signed in original by the applicant and the department.

Grant: Upon review of the Learning Agreement by the International Office, the Grant Agreement is issued to the students. After receiving the signed agreement, 80% of the grant is disbursed, with the final installment paid to the students after submission of all required documents at the end of the stay.

The recovery limit for the mobility grant is 3 ECTS credits per month. Regardless of this recovery limit, students are expected to complete courses amounting to 30 ECTS credits per semester.

Changes: The intern should discuss the content of the "Learning Agreement for Traineeship" with the internship supervisor at the host institution during the first week of the internship. If there are any changes to the internship program, interns must make these changes within 1 month of the internship start date in the "Learning Agreement for Traineeship" and have it re-signed by all parties involved.

Extension: In the event of an extension, the intern must submit an extension request no later than one month before the end of the internship period. It should be noted that the extension period must not exceed the originally awarded period. The "Learning Agreement for Traineeship" must be reissued for the intended extension period and signed by all parties involved.

Students whose primary language of instruction is Danish, English, French, Greek, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, or Czech must undergo a mandatory assessment before the start and shortly before the end of the mobility phase. Students exempt from this requirement are those who have native-level proficiency in the respective languages. Students who have completed the assessment can opt to take a voluntary online language course in the same language, available for the entire duration of the mobility period. (Students who demonstrate a level between B2 and C2 in the assessment have the option to complete the voluntary online language course in the language of instruction or the host country's language.)

The following documents must be submitted after the internship ends, adhering to the deadlines listed below:

International Office within 4 weeks after the end of the internship:

  • Confirmation of stay in original format
  • Internship report in the Erasmus+ online database

Students will receive the remaining 20% of EU funding only after the complete submission of all documents.

International Office within 2 months after the end of the internship:

  • A copy of the Learning Agreements for Traineeship – pages signed and stamped by the company "Section to be completed AFTER THE MOBILITY, Traineeship Certificate," which must match the content of Part I of the "Learning Agreement for Traineeship" (period, program, tasks). If the company does not have a stamp, this must be confirmed by the company via email to the International Office at
  • Copy of the confirmation of stay
  • Experience report (online survey)
  • Selected photos in jpg format (300 dpi resolution / max. 500 kB) should be sent via email to

For more information about your Erasmus+ internship, visit the OeAD website.

There are many ways to find an internship position:

Activate your personal network!
You have family, friends, or acquaintances abroad? Someone you know has family, friends, or acquaintances abroad? You know someone in an Austrian company that has subsidiaries, locations, or branches abroad?

Use your contacts - you might discover unforeseen opportunities!

Find out where CAMPUS 02 UAS interns have been before you!
In the academic year 2004/2005, the first seven students from CAMPUS 02 UAS completed internships abroad – in Australia, Germany, Canada, Switzerland, and South Africa. Since these "pioneers" among the interns, around 170 students from the fields of Accounting & Controlling and Marketing & Sales have interned in various companies abroad. If you would like a list of all the companies where CAMPUS 02 UAS students have completed internships abroad, please contact your department.

Research organizations that facilitate internships!
Internship placement services have been booming in recent years. Many of these organizations not only provide internship placements but also offer assistance with visa arrangements, accommodation searches, language courses, airport pickup services, and more. However, all of these services come with (sometimes substantial) costs. Therefore, consider whether you are willing to incur these expenses and research thoroughly in advance.

An effective way of finding internships is through organizations like AIESEC and IAESTE. Both are run entirely by students on a voluntary basis, and while participation in finding an internship placement is not mandatory, it is encouraged.

Look for advertised internship positions in online internship databases!
We have compiled a list for you here. These platforms feature companies advertising internship positions worldwide. Since many of these websites have specific geographic and thematic focuses, such as, you should first consider your personal preferences and then start your search.

Find a company in the country of your choice on your own!
Choose a company in a country of your choice and send an unsolicited application. Remember that your application may be the only – but in any case, the first – impression your potential internship company gets of you. Therefore, take your time with your application documents, consider what you can personally contribute, thoroughly proofread them, and seek feedback from others.

Summer Schools & Language Trip

CAMPUS 02 UAS supports the participation of its students in selected Summer Schools with its own scholarship. These various opportunities not only provide you with the chance to deepen your academic knowledge but also to further develop your language skills and broaden your intercultural experience. Due to their relatively short duration, this type of study abroad is also attractive for part-time students. Be sure to inquire about possible credit transfer options for your study program before participating in a Summer School!

Additionally, the annual language trip "Dublin Experience" takes place, and we would like to invite interested students to participate!


Ensure in advance of your study abroad that you are adequately insured. Your insurance coverage should include the following benefits for the entire duration of your stay abroad:
Health Insurance

For stays in the EU, EEA, or Switzerland, you are entitled to medical treatment through the "European Health Insurance Card" on the back of your e-card. However, for certain services (such as hospital stays), you may incur a deductible. To cover any extra costs, it is recommended to take out supplementary insurance. In most other countries, you must fully bear the costs of treatment, and upon your return, you can only apply for partial reimbursement by submitting the original invoices. Therefore, we strongly recommend taking out private health insurance. Detailed information on health insurance and possible supplementary or private health insurance can be found on the OeAD website.

Through your ÖH membership, you have accident and liability insurance. If you require confirmation for this insurance, please send an email to (Subject: Confirmation) with the following details: Name, current address, student ID or personal identification number, name of educational institution. Please attach an enrollment confirmation.

Typically, this type of insurance is not covered by your health insurance or ÖH membership. However, credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, etc.), leisure insurance (OeAV, ÖAMTC), and similar services often provide such insurance coverage (NOTE: these may be time-limited).

For all insurance benefits, it is essential to thoroughly review existing or newly acquired insurance policies, as the scope of coverage varies significantly and/or may be subject to specific conditions!



The currently most comprehensive scholarship programme for study and internship abroad is Erasmus+. This EU education programme supports individuals of all ages across Europe in finding enriching learning opportunities. Through Erasmus+, students can study at a European university for 2 to 12 months without losing study time or paying tuition fees. Additionally, Erasmus+ offers the unique opportunity to gain new expertise and professional skills through an internship (2 to 12 months), while also enhancing adaptability to new environments. Moreover, it provides the chance to improve language skills, acquire intercultural competence, and establish connections with universities, companies, and new friends across Europe.

For financial support from CAMPUS 02 GmbH, there is a maximum amount of two payments of €300 each per Bachelor student for stays abroad (e.g., study stays, internships, summer schools, CAMPUS 02 UAS language courses, CAMPUS 02 UAS study trips). For Master's students, a maximum of €300 is awarded as a scholarship, unless €600 has already been utilized.


The WKO - Foreign Trade (AWO) has introduced new grants for further education and internships abroad as part of its "Go International" initiative. Under the "Competitiveness through Education" program, Austrian companies can send current and future employees (including interns) abroad and apply for direct funding.

This scholarship program is available to students of technical disciplines at FH CAMPUS 02 for research work related to their bachelor's or master's thesis at an American university. The FHC02_MPS Research Guide_2017 was created by two alumni who completed this program.

"The Austrian Scholarship Database [...] provides funding opportunities for students [...] within Austria, as well as incoming (to Austria) and outgoing (from Austria to ...) scholarships. [...] The information includes details on submission requirements (deadline and submission location) as well as indications of duration, quota, and financial support for each scholarship."

The European Funding Guide scholarship portal offers students the opportunity to find additional profile-specific funding opportunities.

The Fulbright Scholarship is aimed at Austrians who have already completed a first degree and are pursuing a Master's Degree (one- to two-year programmes) in the United States. In addition to a scholarship worth up to USD 25,000 and possible additional funding from US institutions, successful candidates have the opportunity to participate in numerous academic and cultural events before and during their stay in the United States and, as a Fulbrighter, are part of a worldwide community encompassing all academic disciplines and cultures.

General approval

To study as an exchange student at FH CAMPUS 02, a prerequisite is an existing Cooperation Agreement between FH CAMPUS 02 and your home university.

  • If there is currently no agreement in place, you should contact the International Office of your home university.
  • If there is an agreement in place, you should contact the relevant person at your home university to find out if there are available slots for exchange students and how to apply.

An exchange is possible through the EU programmes Erasmus+ and CEEPUS, as well as through individual Joint Study Agreements with universities outside the EU.

For general and administrative inquiries, the International Office is the point of contact. For content-related questions such as course information, course descriptions, etc., please contact the Department Coordinators for International Affairs. They are available to assist you via email or phone using the provided contact details.


A prerequisite for conducting a mobility semester/year at FH CAMPUS 02 is an existing Erasmus+ agreement between your home university and FH CAMPUS 02. Please ensure to inquire in advance whether such an agreement exists or if necessary steps can be initiated by the International Office of your home university.

Also, bear in mind that typically, applications are required to be submitted to multiple places (faculty or department of your home university, International Office of your home university, International Office of the host university). Pay attention to the required documents and respective deadlines for each.

  1. Apply for a study exchange at your home university.
  2. Your home university approves a study placement for you for 1 to 2 semesters at CAMPUS 02 UAS.
  3. The relevant person at your home university nominates you to the International Office of CAMPUS 02 UAS (Winter semester: May 15/Summer semester: October 15).
  4. You receive a confirmation of nomination from the International Office of CAMPUS 02 UAS.
  5. The International Office of your home university sends the required application documents to the International Office of CAMPUS 02 UAS (Winter semester: June 1/Summer semester: November 1).

Your application will be processed upon completion of submission.

As soon as you have received the nomination confirmation from the International Office of CAMPUS 02, you can apply for a place in a hall of residence on the website of the OeAD Housing Administration or on the website of the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH).

The International Office will inform you about the dates for the compulsory Introduction Day and the introductory talks with your degree programme coordinators before your departure.

During the introductory meetings with your degree programme coordinators, you will discuss your timetable, make any changes to the Learning Agreement and enrol in the selected courses.

If you arrive before the specified date, please schedule an appointment with the International Office (

Don't forget to collect your Confirmation of Stay from the International Office before the end of your stay. This can be issued no earlier than one week before the end of your stay. Your Transcript of Records will be provided either together with your Confirmation of Stay or, if not all grades are available in the system, it will be sent to you later by the International Office.

Helpful information

ERASMUS + Charta

International Office

Contact for further information