Privacy Statement


Protecting your data is of utmost importance to us. Our privacy statements for different groups of data subjects offer a brief overview of the personal data we collect and what it is used for.

We, CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences (abbr. CAMPUS 02), Körblergasse 126, 8010 Graz, Austria, process the following data categories by automated means: Personal data you provide while registering for an event; and personal data that might be added during the event (e.g. image and video recordings).

We process your data to manage your registration and to run the event. The pre-contractual and contractual measures stipulated in Art. 6 para. 1 cl. b of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) serve as the legal basis.

You have no legal obligation to provide us with your data. Without this information, however, we cannot manage your registration and consequently, we cannot let you participate in the event, unfortunately.

Please note that photography/filming can take place at our events for documentation and reporting purposes. By registering for an event, you acknowledge that we may use photos/videos in which you appear for press coverage and on different (social) media platforms, in publications and on websites of CAMPUS 02 UAS.

If you have given us permission to inform you about our degree programmes and other events by e-mail or newsletter, your contact data will be processed for this purpose in accordance with Art 6 Paragraph 1 letter a GDPR. You may revoke this consent at any time.

Retention periods may vary between each type of event. The retention period for funded events (e.g. as part of R&D projects) is based on contractual obligations towards the funding body regarding data retention and record-keeping. For events with entrance fees, data relevant for accounting purposes is saved for 10 years. All other data and personal data collected during other events are deleted after 3 years at the latest, calculated from the end of the calendar year in which the event took place.

Your personal data is treated as confidential and is generally processed only by CAMPUS 02 UAS staff members internally.

However, data processors who have been commissioned by us can also process data for the purposes mentioned if they can ensure adequate data security. For example, in cases where support is required, external IT service providers can see and process the above-mentioned data categories.

Übermittlung der Daten in die USA

The processing of the collected data and the dispatch of our newsletter is carried out via the cloud service Microsoft Dynamics. Hosting is mainly provided within the European Union in accordance with European data protection law. Some services and technical support can also be provided from outside of the EU. Therefore, data transfer to the US is possible in principle.

On July 10, 2023, the European Commission adopted an adequacy decision on the Data Privacy Framework (data protection agreement between the EU and the USA). If providers in the USA certify themselves in accordance with these data protection requirements (which, among other things, restrict access to data by US authorities and provide legal protection for EU citizens), an adequate level of data protection is generally guaranteed for data transfers. You can check which providers are included in the list here:

Microsoft has undergone this self-certification. The data transfer can therefore be based on the adequacy decision on the Data Privacy Framework as a valid legal basis for data transfers to the USA. Furthermore, the standard contractual clauses and additional technical and organizational measures guaranteed by Microsoft also apply. Further information on data processing can be found in Microsoft's privacy policy ( .

Please note that we will update this privacy statement from time to time (e.g. due to law amendments, usage of new technology, new study opportunities). We recommend that you regularly check it for updates.

In general, you have right of access, the right to rectification, to erasure, to restrict, to data portability, to withdraw and to object.

If you do, please contact us — we will be happy to help.

Data Protection Coordination Team at CAMPUS 02 UAS

CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences
Körblergasse 126, 8010 Graz
+43 316 6002-8909

Data Protection Officer

If you believe that processing your data violates data protection laws or that your data protection rights have been infringed in some other way, you can also file a complaint with the supervisory authority. In Austria, the competent supervisory authority is the Austrian Data Protection Authority in Barichgasse 40-42, 1030 Vienna, telephone no.: +43 1 52 152-0,