Austrian National Union of Students at CAMPUS 02 UAS

The statutory Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) represents the interests of students at all universities in the country and is directly elected by the students. The legal basis of the ÖH is formed by the Students‘ Union Act, the Students’ Union Election Regulations and the ÖH Statutes.

At CAMPUS 02 UAS, the ÖH and the university work closely together to optimise or, if necessary, improve the general conditions for students.

Dear students,

During your studies, you will often experience new situations and many things will be new to you. It is quite normal that there may be moments when you feel overwhelmed and left alone.

As your ÖH at CAMPUS 02, we are there for you if you need support with financial or (professional) legal matters. We also offer our own counselling on tax law issues and provide you with helpful contacts. Since October 2016, you can also make use of Instahelp's psychological counselling service if you need someone to talk to or if you don't know what to do on your own.

In addition to studying, fun and leisure time should of course not be neglected, which is why we regularly organise extra-curricular courses for you, such as the ÖH dance course or golf course. Stay up to date via Facebook and don't miss any news!

There are also regular meetings to which you are invited and we would be delighted to get to know you! Perhaps you have an idea or two that we could realise?

We are your mouthpiece for all your concerns.

On our website or on Facebook you will also find helpful information and we would be delighted if you could send us a direct mail. 


We wish you all the best for your studies!


Best wishes,

Your ÖH


P.S.: follow us on Instagram