Steirische & Kärntner Hochschulkonferenzen_Header


On Thursday, July 11, the conference of Carinthian and Styrian universities took place at the Montanuniversität Leoben. The meeting, which is to be held annually in the future, concerned the increased collaboration and cooperation between the university regions of Carinthia and Styria. The universities of both regions aim to sustainably strengthen and bring closer together the economic and research area of Southern Austria, which will be created by the Koralm Railway.

Common priority themes were defined and discussed on how they can be implemented based on existing structures. The program also included a visit to the new hydrogen research center at Montanuniversität Leoben.

Styrian University Conference

The Styrian University Conference (SHK) is an interest group founded in 2012, comprising the nine Styrian universities.

The mission statement of the SHK is aimed at promoting the further development and collaboration within the Styrian university space.

The main focuses of the joint work lie in promoting a collective university awareness and developing a common position on strategic issues to act as a unified entity. Other focal points include joint public relations and marketing to represent the interests of the universities collectively. Additionally, the coordination of profile building and cooperation, with a focus on projects that affect either all or most of the universities, are central work priorities of the Styrian University Conference.

This includes projects with high external impact, so-called "lighthouse projects," that represent the Styrian university space, as well as general projects aimed at removing barriers and promoting cooperation.

Through these measures, the Styrian University Conference aims to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of the Styrian university space and establish a strong, common position in the national and international context.

The Styrian University Conference operates three central program lines: the Didactic Workshop, e-Didactics and e-Campus . The e-Campus is a project of the Styrian University Conference that provides teachers with comprehensive information for the successful use of technology in teaching.

Sustainability agendas include participation in the CCCA (Climate Change Center Austria), the Graz Climate Pact, which was signed by TU Graz, CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences, and FH Joanneum.

Carinthian University Conference

The association of the three Carinthian universities in 2013, and since 2019 also the Gustav Mahler Private University, to form the Carinthian University Conference aimed to pool resources and further develop the federal state of Carinthia as an educational location through a common positioning. Addressing challenges in internationalization programs, infrastructure issues, and higher education didactics can be more efficiently and effectively managed through a joint approach.

Commonalities of the Two University Regions

"Regional connectedness and commitment to the location are central aspects of university development that are close to the hearts of both the Styrian and Carinthian University Conferences," summarizes Montanuni-Rector Moser, who currently chairs the Styrian University Conference. Another focus of both university regions is campus development and infrastructure alignment to create an optimal teaching, learning, and research environment. Strengthening the economic area and the region's competitiveness are also important goals. This is achieved through close coordination and cooperation of the involved institutions. Additionally, great importance is placed on making the scientific community visible to highlight the added value of university institutions for society.

"Our universities are centers that contribute to recognizing and mastering future societal challenges. It is therefore essential for politics to rely on and cooperate with science. The future of our economic location and living space depends on this. The Koralm Railway line, which will connect Graz and Klagenfurt in just 45 minutes from the end of 2025, creates a new metropolitan area with around 1.1 million people, the largest in Austria after Vienna. It is important that we prepare for the associated developments also in the university and higher education sector. By networking the Carinthian universities even more closely, we will be able to optimally utilize the new opportunities for our population. I welcome the joint conference with Styria, where ideas and projects were now also coordinated across state borders," says Governor Kaiser.

"Cooperation has a long tradition at Styrian universities and is the key to our success as the number one research state in Austria. With the joint conference of the Styrian and Carinthian universities at the Montanuniversität Leoben, we want to promote cooperation beyond state borders and thus make southern Austria even more visible internationally. The Koralm Railway will make another important contribution to further strengthening the southern research axis and promoting the exchange between our two states," says Styrian Minister for Science and Research, Barbara Eibinger-Miedl.