Beyond Borders: Digital Marketing (R)Evolution

hosted by Department Marketing & Sales

How do you connect the circular economy with the digital economy? – Discover the ways digital technology can help drive the circular economy and vice versa. In addition, we will dive into the enriching and significant qualities that cultures and communities offer to Marketing and Sales experts. Join us to learn how cutting-edge technology is being used in cross-border e-commerce to grow business, using Amazon as an example!

April 27, 2023
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
entrance free, open seating

Körblergasse 126
8010 Graz


Doors open at 5:30 PM
Start at 6:00 PM
Moderation: Dr. Ursula Haas-Kotzegger, Head of Department Marketing & Sales, FH CAMPUS 02

Circular Economy - the role of digitalization in circularity

Digital technology may be employed to help exploit opportunities for both production and consumption to become aligned with the circular economy. How this may be effectively achieved is debateable. The presentation will explore ways in which the digital economy and circular economy may become more integrated. Further, the presentation will consider the role of government, business, and consumers in promoting this integration of digital and circular economies.
Dr. Lyndon Murphy
Aberystwyth University

'Digital Anthropology' in the Digital Economy

Over the past couple of decades, the field of ‚Anthropology and Ethnography‘ has expanded beyond physical cultural lines; nevertheless, little is still known about this subject area and its scholastic applications beyond the sphere of the Social Sciences. ‘Anthropology and Ethnography’ has in recent years been used in the fields of business studies, marketing and even health care; this is because cultures and communities are formed out of various contexts and situational settings, and the data that we gather from them can be enriching, significant and revealing, and with the ascendency of the digital age and the digital economy, our progress and expansion in the uses of ‚Anthropology and Ethnography‘ continues to perpetuate and magnify.

Dr. Aryan Salhenegger-Niamir
Department Marketing & Sales, FH CAMPUS 02

Cross-Border ecommerce market trends

Are you curious about the latest developments in cross-border ecommerce? Discover on the example of Amazon how their marketing managers are utilizing cutting-edge technology to expand their businesses beyond borders.
Julia Außerdorfer, MSc
Marketing Manager Branded Gift Cards Amazon

Panel Discussion: International Digital Trends

Join us for an engaging panel discussion on the latest digital marketing trends! Our expert panelists will share their experiences and insights on the challenges and opportunities of standardization, automation, prioritization, and self-service. We’ll also delve into the influence of Gen Z on the digital marketing landscape, and explore the impact of cultural differences and new approaches for understanding target groups. Plus, we’ll discuss the potential impact of GDPR/DSGVO and other EU-based regulations on the future of digital marketing.

Hier stehen ein/zwei Sätze über den Inhalt des Vortrags.

Dimitrije Nikolic, MA
Head of New Business DACH, Snap Inc.
Dr. Lyndon Murphy
Aberystwyth University
Dr. Aryan Salhenegger-Niamir, Department Marketing & Sales, FH CAMPUS 02
Dr. Wilhelm Loibl, Department Marketing & Sales, FH CAMPUS 02
Julia Außerdorfer, MA
Marketing Manager Branded Gift Cards Amazon
Experts of Department Marketing & Sales, FH CAMPUS 02
After the panel discussion, we are pleased to invite all participants to our international networking buffet.

Our Speakers

Julia Außerdorfer, MSc

Marketing Manager Branded Gift Cards

Julia Außerdorfer is a graduate of our Bachelor’s program in Marketing & Sales at FH CAMPUS 02. She received her Master’s degree from Lund University School of Economics and Management in International Marketing and Brand Management. Julia joined Amazon in 2019 and is now Marketing Manager for Branded Gift Cards in the EU region.

Dimitrije Nikolic, MA

Head of New Business DACH
Snap Inc.

Dimitije Nikolic is a graduate of our master’s program in Sales Management. He worked for two years at App Radar as Sales Director and has now been Head of New Business DACH at Snap Inc. for 3 years.

Dr. Lyndon Murphy

Aberystwyth University

Lyndon Murphy is Reader and Director of Executive Masters Programmes at Aberystwyth University. He has generated and worked on consultancy/enterprise projects with organisations in the private, public and third sectors. This consultancy work has typically focused on measuring the incidence of social capital and its relationship with different forms of innovative activity and its successful management.

Portraitfoto Arjan Salhenegger


Department Marketing & Sales

Aryan Salhenegger-Niamir is a researcher at the Marketing & Sales department of CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Science, where he has been working since 2022. Prior to joining academia, he worked for 12 years in various companies. Aryan has completed several academic study programmes and has a multidisciplinary background spanning mathematics, business administration, religion, and anthropology.

Dr. Wilhelm Loibl

Department Marketing & Sales

Hier steht etwas über Wilhelm.

Dr. Aryan Salhenegger-Niamir

Department Marketing & Sales

Dr. Murphy is Reader and Director of Executive Masters Programmes at Aberystwyth University. He has generated and worked on consultancy/enterprise projects with organisations in the private, public and third sectors. This consultancy work has typically focused on measuring the incidence of social capital and its relationship with different forms of innovative activity and its successful management.


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