International Office

In an increasingly globalized world, people with experience abroad are in high demand. International experience promotes professional and personal development, improves foreign language skills, familiarizes students with other cultures and, last but not least, enables them to make international contacts relevant to their studies and career.
We promote student mobility by offering work internships and the possibility to study abroad. In addition, due to our strong focus on part-time study programs, we offer students who are unable to go abroad for at least 2 months alternative opportunities for mobility: summer schools, study and language trips.

Study Trip

As part of their studies, students have the opportunity to take part in a study trip. The destination is selected by the head of the department in consultation with the students. The only condition is that the destination is in Europe and that the degree program has or can acquire a partner university there.


Transilvania University is located on a small hill in the middle of Brasov. With around 22,000 students, it is the sixth largest university in Romania. The university has 18 faculties and offers courses in English, French and German.


An economics lecture focusing on entrepreneurship was held by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Silvia Sumedrea on a total on three mornings. The lecturer made it clear right at the start that she would welcome lively participation in the lecture, which was very encouraging. In the first unit, a rough overview of entrepreneurship was given and the experiences of the individual students were explained in numerous discussions.

The second session on Tuesday focused on creativity, what it is all about and how creativity can drive a business forward. Thanks to the techniques we learned at Campus 02 in the lecture “The Creative Problem-Solving Process”, we were able to skillfully refute the prejudice that technicians do not tend to come up with creative solutions. A practical exercise involved finding new uses for a “plastic bag”. The previous record of 72 suggestions within one hour by 10 students was easily increased to 100 by us 5 students. Furthermore, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Silvia Sumedrea also expressed great interest in the soft skills lectures at Campus 02.

The third lecture unit with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Silvia Sumedrea focused on “Generating Business Ideas”. Here, particular emphasis was placed on intercultural awareness. Once again, the students were often able to contribute their own experiences to the lectures.

System Identification

On the afternoons after the economics lecture, Dr. Eng. Adrian Danila introduced us to the complex topic of system identification. In the first unit, we dealt with the Finite Element Method (FEM) and analyzed the electric field in a metal cuboid. We then started the computers and used the Quickfield tool to simulate the electric field in the cuboid.

On Tuesday, we were lucky enough to be able to attend a lab session for another hour.

We then dealt with the parameter identification of a leaking tank. Among other things, the mathematical relationship between the fill level and the leaking liquid was established and the transfer function of the tank was determined.

In the third unit, we dealt with the parameter identification of a condenser motor. The motor parameters of the condenser motor were determined by means of a run-down test. The figure below shows the test setup consisting of condenser motor, load machine, frequency converter and the PC for recording the measured values (voltages, currents and motor speed). The recorded data was analyzed in Excel and Concerto.

Research Transfer Centre

On Friday we were at the newly built R&D center of the University of Brasov where we were welcomed by Prof. Dr. Eng. Sorin Moraru, the head of the Faculty of Automation and IT. Here we were given a guided tour in the field of robotics and alternative energies. We were also allowed to take a look at the heart of IT, namely the server room.

The aim is to make the facility energy self-generating. To this end, photovoltaics, hot water collectors and wind turbines have been installed on the roofs to provide heating and a large part of the building's electricity supply. In the future, it is planned to expand the area around the R&D center so that students can live close to the facility. The facility is mainly used by students writing their bachelor's, master's or doctoral theses.


Language Trip

Every year, CAMPUS 02 invites all students to participate in the CAMPUS 02 language trip, with a maximum of 24 places available. This mobility opportunity is supported by a separate scholarship.

You can find more information here.

Summer Schools

CAMPUS 02 supports the participation of its students in selected Summer Schools with an own Grant (for detailed information see Guidelines for Mobility Grants for CAMPUS 02 Students).

The various offers not only provide you with the opportunity to deepen your subject knowledge, but also to develop your language skills and broaden your intercultural horizons. Due to the relatively short duration, this type of stay abroad is also attractive for part-time students.

The Automation Technology department is proud to announce that our Bachelor student Thomas Taucher successfully completed a summer school in China in summer 2014:

CHINA-KNOW-HOW-2014 is a summer school in China which gives interested students a chance to gain insights into a new culture and a different political, economic and legal system. The title of this summer school is “Modern China Studies for Scientists and Economists” and takes place at the Peking University in Beijing and at the Fudan University in Shanghai, China.

I have chosen this Summer School to satisfy my needs for international experience and to enhance my personal growth. China is a very interesting country from an economical and cultural point of view. For this reason, I could not miss the opportunity to seethis country from the perspective of a student.

I made a short video of my China trip which can be seen at the following link:

Finally, I would like to mention that I am very satisfied with the organization of the Summer School. I got a good insight into Chinese culture, history, politics and many more interesting topics. I have made many new contacts with friendly colleagues and I have seen successful companies and universities in China.

Internships and study abroad

A study or internship abroad offers the opportunity to change perspectives, take on new tasks, acquire or deepen foreign language skills and immerse yourself in a foreign culture. The friendships made during this time often last a lifetime and represent not only a valuable private but also professional international network.



Erasmus+ is currently the most comprehensive scholarship program for internships and studying abroad. The EU education program supports people of all ages across Europe in their search for useful learning opportunities. Students can study at a European university for 3 to 12 months under Erasmus+ without losing study time or paying tuition fees. Erasmus+ also offers a unique opportunity to acquire new specialized knowledge and professional skills during an internship (2 to 12 months) and to develop the ability to adapt to new environments. It is also an opportunity to improve language skills, gain intercultural competence and make contacts with universities, companies and new friends across Europe.
For more information visit:

If you are interested in an Erasmus+ student mobility, we recommend the following procedure:

  • Visit the FH CAMPUS 02 cooperations under the following link  University Cooperations
  • As soon as you have decided which university or college you would like to study at, please take a close look at the curriculum of the relevant program.
  • Sobald Sie sich mit dem entsprechenden Curriculum der Partneruniversität- oder Hochschule vertraut gemacht haben, nehmen Sie bitte mit Herrn Turcin Kontakt auf, um eine Überdeckung der äquivalenten Lehrveranstaltungen während des Studienaufenthaltes zu überprüfen.
    • Please send us a comparison of the courses you would like to complete abroad and the courses that should be credited to your current curriculum at CAMPUS 02. You can find the corresponding “Learning Agreement” form in the    Download Area
  • As soon as the question of eligibility has been clarified, please contact Ms. Maja Zelenik ( to clarify the further formalities.

Students and graduates can complete an internship in the Erasmus+ program countries. This internship can be completed in companies, training and research institutions or other organizations
that are suitable for the agreed learning progress for the respective university course.

You will find more information about the CEEPUS program here

Enclosed you will find a list of our mobility universities:

Strategic Partners AT

A2T2's Travels

The mascot of our field of study takes his role as our brand ambassador very seriously and is constantly on the move. On his travels around the world, he always visits interesting places and is always keen to make new international contacts. So far, he has already traveled half of Europe and has also made short trips to the USA and Asia. The travel diary with all the pictures can be found on our Facebook page.
